I remember walking into Overfelt Highscool's drama autotorium like every Sunday, preparing for the nine o'clock church service. It was nearly a year ago in late august, and school time for not only me had started, but also the bible college my church offered called Master's Comission. ( The boys mainly served as eye candy to the younger girls since they were non-obtainable.) It was the Sunday that these new group of newly graduated young adults were introduced to the church. As I saw my friend Briana, she was bubbling to spill out the news of the boy that was buzzing around all of the girl's heads. " Danielle, have you seen the new Master's yet?! "
"No not yet?? ." I responded, puzzled at her excitement.
" There is this new one just coming in, I don't know his name but you are just gonna die when you see him! I mean he is ... you'll see! "
I wondered where this godlike boy as everyone described him could be, and if anyone could actually be that perfect. After praise and worship was done, I proceeded to sit and wait to see this boy who everyone had spoke about. One by one the names were called, and finally all of the masters came out onto the stage to do a human video. ( A dance/drama) Briana pointed and said." Look! That's him! " I couldn't believe how handsom he was and where he could have possibly been hiding my whole fifteen years. He was extremely tall, and had this golden, orange hair down to his mid-back. All of his features were very structured and deep. I knew that I had to have him.
Weeks went by, and eventually I gave him my number. I was excited to get the occasional text from him saying," Goodnight. Sleep well, and Stay warm. Jah Bless. " Day by day I became more interested in him. He lured me in with his shyness.. I wanted to know more and more. This sort of sinfully beautiful love I had found at church was a challenge for the both of us, but a risk I was willing to take.
After a few more weeks, I looked at my phone one Sunday morning and saw that I had had a text from him reading,"Come meet me outside." My heart beat to the click of my quick pace in my heels as I stealthy snuck around the rows of chairs. Once free outside, I saw him just staying there, making the slightest motion to turn the corner. Walking swiftly and checking if anyone was around, I caught him sitting on a metal bench, looking down at the cement ground. I had never imagined he would be a shy boy, but the opposite. I sat next to him, my heart continuing to race faster and faster. I had never really got opportunities to see him up close before. He was so beautifully put together; his very masculine, square-like face structure, his lips that pouted out perfectly, thick and juicy, and his nose full on his face and fit to keep a structure for his eyes.
"So, what's up?" I started, since the silence was almost unbearable.
"Mmm nothing..." he said while smiling and glancing to the ground. He never looked at me when we spoke, and it bothered me. ( To me, eye contact is one of the most important things, and this was the one boy that would never look at me.) Finally, I gained the courage to question his odd behavior. I couldn't resist to touch his freshly shaved chin and gently turn his face towards mine. It was then that I could finally see his eyes. They told me everything, whatever everything could be. I wanted to know everything about him and I felt that I could see so much in his soft, honest eyes.
"Why don't you ever look at me when we talk?" I whispered, smiling.
After a smile from him, I noticed the cutest little dimple on him left cheek.
" Because, It's just that... The reason why is... I think you're beautiful," he softly said, looking into my eyes.
It was that very moment, that I knew I would love him. It wasn't because he thought I was beautiful. It wasn't because of his striking features either. But the innocents and sweetness he had about him. The shyness and humbleness that he carried. Even if he was this great looking guy, someone that I would never think would ever talk to me, he was the quietest boy that I have ever liked or had interest for;the most interesting and far opposite of me. A year later there has been many trials and tribulations, but we've managed to make it work. To this day I'm still in love with him.