Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm feeling a little uneasy about this project for Thompson. Its intimidating that we have to be able to finish a book within about two weeks and on top of that be able to come up with a lesson plan for the class. I guess we get to see what it's like to be in the teacher's shoes for the day. It seems to be overwhelming, but I think my group and I will pull through and do a great job on this project.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lil Squirt

When you're able to resite lines back and forth from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas for  forty five minutes without getting tired of it and sing in harmony just because of boredom, you got a true best friend. I love my bro so much and I'm going to miss that little stinker! Everyday it gets only closer and closer to his departure. But, then again if looking at it from a different perspective, it gets closer to his return.

Snow Day

It is true when they say that some people, at heart, will always remain kids. My dad took us up to the mountains today where there was still snow upon the tree tops and blankets along the ground. The minute we stepped out of the car I had to touch the snow. I couldn't remember the last time I had took a snow road trip prior to this one. Chur chur and I began to throw snowballs at eachother, but then decided to use twin power and gain up against my dad. Besides one other time in my life, I had never seen my dad act so giggly and playful. He was running around and cracking up; having a great time playing in the snow with us. I thought it was adorable and soooo cute to see that side of my dad. It was refreshing to spend a day outdoors, but also to spend a day with my dad. A lot of times, for me anyway, it's hard as a daughter to bond with my dad. But in this environment and time, bonding time was perfectly reached.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I love the way that I was made, but if there was one thing I could change about myself that feels impossible to do is to live life for myself. I hate being a certain person to try and receive someones approval. Everyone at some point has been a victim of craving acceptance, whether they realize it or not. Maybe it's even safe to say that people desire this everyday. It could be either parents, or authority figures, or even a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend. I've come to conclusion there is one person in particular that I wish I could just gain full approval of. At times I think, " Oh, she knows your pretty.. and Oh she knows you're a great person," but I can never gain a full percent. It would be so much easier if this person wasn't myself. I am my worse enemy.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Change of Season

My life as of now is like a prison and my parents are my guards. I have no sympathy for myself, or want no sympathy. I just have no one to talk to in my household besides my brother, and this is my only true way to vent. I did a very terrible crime, and lost any kind of trust my parents have ever had in me. I've lost my privilege to shut my door and may even have my door taken off, I'm not aloud to be at home alone and have to be supervised, and don't have anyone to talk to in fear that they are just too disappointed and disgusted with me. When I say prison, I mean because everyone is miserable here. It is not only myself, but my parents as well. AS a prisoner, you must ear certain privileges. Going outside, or meeting up with people is something that is earned, which is what I will be doing. No one is overjoyed to be in a prison. No one is satisfied being in a prison. Everyone just goes insane after watching the clock, waiting until their sentencing is up. I guess this is my case. To wait until my sentencing is up. But while I'm waiting, I must find things to do to keep my mind off of it. Or, I too might become crazy.

It's so funny to me that I wrote this a month ago. Within a months time pass.. everything comes back to being normal. Sure, I may still be a prisoner, but it is a sentence I well earned. Day by day my sentencing increases. And, soon it will be up. 18 I'm waiting.

This Year, Next Year..

After this break, I didn't even realize we only had six more weeks until school was out. This year has went by fast for me. Pretty soon my brother will be leaving, and I will be going into my junior year. It's a scary thing for me. I don't want to be without my brother, but I know it's going to be one of the best events to happen for me and him. Next year is going to be one of the most challenging years for me school wise and emotionally wise. At the same time that I'm going to be dealing with my A.P classes, I'm going to have to deal with knowing that my other half for my whole life isn't there to support me and help me out. But, I figure just as this year has gone by fast, so will next year. Sooner than I know it, my brother will be on a plane headed back home.

Car Ride..

Man today was a day full of driving! My mother and I drove a good six hours just going back and forth running to certain places we needed to go. The long amount of time sitting caused me to be impatient and tired of sitting. I did, however, enjoy the conversation between me and my moma. We haven't had quality talks after an incident that happened a month ago, so it was nice to talk about different topics. Even if it was a long and exhausting car ride, it was quality time spend at the same time.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


The nice summer days  make me think of the times when I was a little kid playing in the front yard or swimming in the backyard. When I look in the back yard, I can't help but think of Sheva. I miss her. She was the kind of dog that would kill anything if it was any kind of threat to me, but would be gentle and lick the tears away from my face and replace it with a smile. She was my friend that would split twenty apricots with me at one sitting, inhaling her portion in one gulp. She was my friend  who I could confide in without receiving anything responsive other than love and kisses. Even if she was a mutt who was claimed to be a purebred rottweiler when my brother purchased her, there has been no other pet that has been so loyal and protective of my family like she has...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Store!

I was so excited today! FINALLY the shop that I had been waiting to be open was open today! It was this messy little ethiopian shop that was full of colorful treasures. The clothing were beautiful and were all hand made. It smelt of something like curry and was refreshing to take in. While I looked around, my eyes directly went straight to a white dress with a green,yellow,and red trim that hung along the wall. I knew that would be my purchase, but I also had my eye on a pancho type shirt. It has foreign lettering on it, and the number 2000. I asked the man what the number symbolized, and he told me that it was actually a shirt made for the year 2000, but Ethiopia's 2000. He explained that in Ethiopia, all of their months are thirty days long no matter what, and that there is a seven year difference from over here to over here. I found it interesting and crazy because I thought the whole world was the same with years. Yuck, I guess I was having a typical american moment where everything is done this way are no way.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


 This whole week I have started my summer assignment for AP Lang. The assignment is to basically first read four selected books, and then respond to them accordingly.  The first book is On Writing Well.  I thought it would be a drag having to read these books, but to be honest, if anything so far its messed me up;in a good way. For as long as I could remember I've always been self-conscious about my writing ability. At some points I would feel strong, but other times I would feel pathetic and have nothing to start with. I've always compared myself to my twin and thought he was on a completely different level that I could never reach. I figured it was just one of his talents that I could never achieve. But while reading. I have realized that I'm not the only one that goes through these thoughts, and that writing is hard. 
  After talking with my brother about words, it seems my generation and this world is full of people who abuse words. When I say abuse, I guess I mean use them so much until they are dry and have no meaningful purpose anymore. Too many people use cliches, which, at times I know I'm one of those people. I don't want to be a safe writer anymore, I want to be daring and use words to make beautiful sentences. I hope by entering AP Lang I will be able to break my habits and there will be many unique writers by the end of the year.