Monday, December 15, 2008

My Adorable Cat Chewy

I can't get over the fact that my cat Chewy is so cute! Ha ha I don't think an owner other than Matthew and I have ever been so proud of what a hansom cat we have. He wasn't always as cute as he is now though. When we first found him he was only about a week old, along with his other sisters and brothers that were underneath a desk outside. We bottle raised the four kittens and took care of them as if we were their biological mothers. Chewy was the UGLIEST out of all of them when he was little. He was scroungier and quite smaller, and always would "chew" ( how he was given his name) on the bottle instead of drink the milk. He was also the hardest one to keep alive because he was so weak. My brother developed a strong heart for him and, since my mom thought he was so ugly and no one for sure would want him, we decided to keep him. After time passed and he became older, he slowly became a very beautiful cat with a pretty coat.  I guess he was just like a caterpillar that became a beautiful butterfly!


Wow how I have  been stressing out about finals!!! It seems to never end I feel as if I am a never ending work machine. It seems to me that this is the one time in the year ( other than the occasional tests or essays that happen to be due on the same day ) where teachers choose to all cram as much as they can in all at once. Of course, to prepare us for finals in the semester, but it is all so crazy! Sometimes I just feel so over my head with work,work,work!

Just As Planned

Unfortunately my birthday did turn out how I suspected, just not as bad. Do you ever notice how sometimes before something happens you always try to infer and it ends up being just big over exaggeration? That is sort of the result of my birthday. I was ecstatic about the yearly supply of makeup that I receive and all of the beautiful eye colors and what not, but it wasn't exactly right. Sixteen is always suppose to be one of the biggest, but it wasn't that at all.  I was constantly rushing to go here, and to go there, that I never really relaxed. One thing that I think everyone deserves on their birthday is to just sit down and not have a worry in the world because it's your birthday! 

Friday, December 5, 2008

Not So Sweet Sixteen

So my birthday is tomorrow and honestly, I think this is going to be one of my worst. Today was just hard enough with all of my work for finals, but tomorrow seems to be even more stressful. Turning sixteen doesn't seem all that great as it seems, and I am really disappointed. I wanted to spend my birthday with my brother, but instead he has to attend a meeting and I have practice for choir. I feel really depressed thinking about how my birthday will be. Out of all of the days that is the one that is suppose to be special for my brother and I, and it doesn't really seem special at all to me. :(

Lorita Is The Best!!

I just can't keep this to myself any longer. I have never thanked Lorita, but I think on thanksgiving she should have been there so I could give her a tight hug and thank her for caring so much. I'm sure many people feel this way, but she has went above and beyond to read many of my blogs and replied to my insights and feelings.  Even though I understand how busy each any everyone of our lives can be, she continues to squeeze time and show enthusiasm in each of her responses to my entries. Just when I thought a person could really not possibly be so genuine and loving, she continues to prove me wrong. I look up to you and one day hope to be as gentle and kind to people. So Lorita if you read this thank you so much for all you have done! Your responses give me hope at times and just continues to remind me of how great and wonderful a person you are! Much Love


A day or two ago my mother got the news that the foreign exchange program, in which my brother signed up for, wants to interview him as well as my family. I am both overjoyed and sadly depressed at the same time. If they accept him, that means he will have a year to grow and explore a whole new world in Spain. But at the same time if they accept him that means we will be seperated from me from a whole year. I could never imagine life without my brother by my side. We were meant to stick together; and have never been apart for a long  period of time let alone a year. It seems like this will be the first step of a new beginning and chapter of my brother's life. It is also a dip in the water of truly branching into my own person as well. Since we were small I have always followed and been  a little shadow to my brother in any and everyway. I've looked up to him even though we are almost exact in age. His opinion is one that I truly do take into consideration when doing anything. I don't know how I am going to live without him without falling apart or cracking but I am going to try my best. This to me seems like just a preperation for when we are out of school and have to go our own ways and part to colleges and such. But, it won't take away the fact of how much I will really miss him through the time he is gone. Love you chur

Monday, December 1, 2008

That Much More Older

Just today I realized that I am going to be sixteen in eight days. Am I excited? Of course. Am I scared though? Hell yes. I'm that much closer to being on my own. I'm that much closer to paying my own bills, buying my own everything, and worrying about actual important things. And I'm that much closer to facing the real world. It is amazing how fast time really does past by when you aren't paying much attention to it. And everyday I get closer and closer to facing this world on my own. I'm excited though too because it means I'm that much closer to being on my own. In such a way that there are no restrictions, no strict rules or curfews. No more of those frequent interrogating  questionnaires." Who? What? Where ? Why?" Closer and closer to freedom.

Being Thankful

I'm sure everyone enjoyed the great food that is served at Thanksgiving. The yams with toasted marshmallows on top, tarty cranberry sauce, mash potatoes with homemade gravy, and of course turkey. But beside the food, this year I really looked at the overall special day. As I sat at the table glaring at the food my mother and grandmother had slaved over the stove all day to prepare, I looked up and viewed every person. My sister to the far right of me, picking at lint my mother had on her who was to the left. To the far left was my older brother, sitting with his had on his fork ready to devour his meal. And right to my left and right next to me was my grandmother and my bother, Matthew. ( Down stairs were the kids and my brother and sister in-laws as well as my Dad and Uncle.) I truly do appreciate each and every person that was there. I looked at what each of them do for me and how grateful I am to have them in my life... I love them all so much and sometimes I think I do take advantage of how lucky I am. This year it wasn't only the food that hit me... but the love throughout the room that reminded me of what a great family that I have.


Repercussion. It really does eat dirt when all you do is sit in boredom. I put it upon myself though. It all was the result of an action that I should have never done. On Wednesday if I would have just controlled my anger and let the rumor he had said about me go, I wouldn't be in the spot I am right now. I would be off to Camp Cambell with everyone else that signed up to be a cabin leader having no worry in the world. I hate the fact that I feel like I have no control over myself. I am a happy person don't get me wrong, but when I am angry it's like I have no way of stopping this beast inside of me.. So now I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind, plenty of time to spend thinking about what I had done.. How it wasn't worth it at all. Having something on my record, facing groundation, and worst of all disappointed in myself.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Scout and Aristotle's Differences

 Today when I was reading To Kill A Mockingbird, I found a great difference with the way Scout thinks and the great philosopher Aristotle's beliefs. On page 227 when Jem and Scout are discussing the meaning of "background" and comparisons with people, Scout says something that instantly catches my eyes and bring me to the summer assignment of World History.  In her arguement, she tells Jem," No.. everbody's gotta learn," and that ," nobody's born knowin'." Her idea is opposite with Aristotle's view. It may have to do with age, and the fact that they are of different times but Aristotle believes the complete opposite. His idea is that everyone is born with knowledge, and that all they just have to do is tap into it. This comes back to the idea that somehow history and english always work together.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Drug Dealing to ... High Living?

If I were that girl, maybe it would have impacted me even more. This young man had changed my life in a sense; in a way that I don't even know of, but he did. Going to my locker, I walked along the packed hallways, hugging tightly to unknown people shoulders. While strolling slowly along, I over heard a girl say to a fellow next to her, " So why do you do it, I mean not to be nosy, but...," lowering her tone she continued, " sell drugs?" He looked at her and chuckled before his response. "Well, it's just what I do. It's what I have to do for the money, ya know? ", he said having no sense of eye contact at all. She frowned a bit and said, " Man, that's just a bummer.... there has to be another way for you? There has to be something else? " He looked at her with a sparkle in his eye and said," That's just it though.. There isn't.. " His voice echoed in my head when I closed my locker and went to my next class. There isn't. There isn't. It really brings even more sadness to me when people my age believe there is no hope for them. That there are no other ways. It saddens me that this is a lifestyle exceptable for them. That there are no higher hopes for themselves. There has to be someone to encourage them, to tell them they can get that job, or even achieve those grades. Those kind of people need to come alive... And that's exactly what I think he did. He brought that hope and encourager to life in me.

My Life?

At this point in my life, I feel like all it is is one great big argument. It's like every corner I turn there is someone waiting there, ready to say something that I disagree with. It really does frighten me, and I don't know what to expect or do. I guess this is a time in my life that I am charted out to disagree and butt heads with my parents, but I feel like I have experienced this all of a sudden and really hard. They say never mix your feelings with reality, but it seems like this is really all my life is. There are of course other components like love, happiness, and hope but arguments have chewed up, swallowed, and used a cup of hatred to wash them down. They have disappeared for now, and all I seem to have sometimes is myself. It gets lonely, but in time things will hopefully brighten up.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pan's Labyrinth Connections

I love when you watch a movie for a second time and come across a connection with something else you have never noticed before. When I was watching a movie in Spanish class called "Pan's Labyrinth, " I noticed a scene in the movie that correlated with the famous story of Adam and Eve. The main character Ofelia is in her own world within her mind of imaginary tasks and stories. One action she must do is go into a beast's feast, but is instructed not to  touch any of the food. God gives the same type of instructions to both Adam and Eve. He specifically tells both not to eat anything fruit from one tree he points out. Ofelia is tempted by the food too much, and plucking the smallest grape, she pops on into her mouth. The minute this happens, the beast is waken up and she realizes she has done wrong. Similar to this, Eve bites into the fruit, giving life to the sinful nature within both the minds of Adam and Eve. Both of these events show that, as Atticus says, " [ They] just [have their] blind spots along with the rest of us." Neither of these characters are perfect, for no one is but there are consequences to actions.

The Youth In You

 My aunt showed me a wonderful writer named Andy Rooney. He's one of the writers where he can say only a few words, but it has a great impact upon you and really makes you think. One of his metaphors are, " I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. " People always put such an emphasis on how important it is to live your teen life. This is the exact reason why. The older you become, the faster your life slips aways like grains of sand. Slowly but surely, you'll look at your face and it won't be so smooth anymore, that belly will be a little fuller than it once was, and your youth spirit will fade away into the adult mentality. ( Of course, everyone will always still have the kid in them. )

In Their Shoes

It is so difficult listening to another person tell you what your life is. I received an e-mail that my aunt had sent me, regarding the way I have been for the past six months or so. It is such a depressing thing when you hear and take a look at what other people see in you. I feel like when I read things about me and how people view me, I wish I could be in there shoes. I could be that kid at school that I never talk to, or that mom that tries her best to understand her daughter and why she distances herself from her. That sister who hurts when she hears and sees what her little sister is doing. That story book anonymous voice that knows everything that is going on in that person's life and head. But that is exactly it. I guess I do see how others see it, but I don't understand why I am so immune to it. Or maybe I am not?

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I was flipping through some old notebooks and came across a really interesting quote. It stated," The fearless are merely fearless. People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave." ( James A. LaFond-Lewis ) It is impossible to believe someone is fearless. As a child I would look at my father or older brother and think," Wow, they aren't afraid of anything. " But now that I'm older I realize things are never what they seem. But within this quote it is saying that the people  that have no fear are just fearless. This really stands for nothing and proves nothing. But those that do fear things, which consist of my father and brother, and still continue on to walk into what they fear makes them brave and it counts for something. Everyone has always has a fear; it's the action that you take towards that fear that makes you who you are or what kind of characteristic you have as a person.

Life Changing

Not too long ago I saw one of the most impacting plays that I have even seen at my Grandmother's church. It made me really open my eyes and relieze a lot of things. The story line was a true event that happened to one of the men based off of one young woman he had seen within his college. This girl dedicated her life to god, and went to a missions trip in the Andes Mountains. The most bizzare way to even get killed would be to die by a struck of lightening, and this is exactly how she dies. Slowly but surely, the people around her were effected by it and one young man committed suicide. I took away from the play that through times of great grief, as the people around this young woman suffered, you should always love on people and encourage them. You never know what a person might be going through until you see through there eyes.


This weekend was completely wonderful. It was a chance to re-connect with my friend, Brenda. Iv'e been so busy with school and volleyball, that it was nice when this friday my season ended. Yesturday was when she came over, and it was such a great time chillin together once again. We talked about old times and picked up on our friendship like there was never a gap or break at all. That's when you know when you have a true friend. It is when they never leave you; even if you fall short on your part of being a good friend. Our friendship is better than ever if anything stronger and it was beautiful seeing her again. I can't wait to share many more memories to come!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Wonderful Thought

I love Spanish class and my teacher. He probably thinks I am the weirdest student when I pull out a paper and write down what he says, but I can't help but scribble down his meaningful statements. Friday he said, "Could you imagine how the world would be if we could all see each other's problems or were transparent? Like, we had x-ray vision or something that looked only at problems? There would be no respect for each other. Instead, we fake it; or not fake it but just put them way back and try and be the very best we can be. That's all we can do." It amazes me what other people can come up with and what they imagine. It really made me think what would it be like if everyone could see each other's problems. No one would be perfect, and you would know so much about a person. There wouldn't be problems like stealing, or lieing, so would that make the world perfect? A lot to think about....


Last night my brother said a beautiful thing. While sitting in my room discussing the disappointment my father left upon us, he sighed and said, "False hope is worse than no hope at all. " I completely agree with him. If you have no hope, there is no loss in whatever it may be. But if you put even the smallest amount of hope into someone and they do not follow through with their word, it hurts that much more. You lose not only the hope you once had, but the trust that you instilled within that person. The truth is better than being lead into believing in something that will not come into play. 

Monday, October 27, 2008


After reading the next three chapters, I felt really bad for Scout. It makes me wonder why she doesn't have any girlfriends at school or around town. I know trying to be one of the boys isn't alway the best, but it seems that is all she has. I truly admire  Miss Maudie and her personalilty. She is always so lively and sweet. I hope when I'm at an older age I will be like her. She reminds me of my grandma how she cares so much for her flowers. My grams has this cute obsession for roses. Her whole front yard is an explosion of colors and scents. It is wonderful and always brings a smile to my face. :)

Friday, October 24, 2008


"I was not sure, but Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that's why other people hated them so, and if I started behaving like one I could just go off and find some to play with. "(pg 41) I thought it was so interesting how Jem view girls. It is so fascinating that he view imagination as a negative thing. I think the world wouldn't be able to go around without imagination. As a child, it is the key essence of the mind, the free way to drift and be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, and  go wherever you're mind takes you. As far as my life, I know there is no way for any hopes of survival without imagination. I love drawing and going into my own art mindset, so if there was no such thing as imagination, I wouldn't be able to function properly. It is the way through which I express myself and bring freedom from any pain or heartache, so I love imagining things. I would never want t lose it in any way.

To Kill A Mockingbird

 Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. (pg 18) When I read over this, my heart instantly dropped. I went over it again and again, and thought how beautiful this really is. I gained out of this that people do not fear the loss of life itself. I forget how precious life is. Each day is a gift and I take it for granted at times. I feel like I forget to be thankful for a new day and instead look at the problems in that day. I want to love to breath in fear of not the loss of breath, but just not having it. I am given breath each day, and now I hope to love just having breath rather than taking it so lightly.  

Sunday, October 19, 2008


My Dad said something that made me so sad today. And it wasn't because it was intentionally, he meant it in a funny way. But when I thought about it, it sort of sunk me into a little depression. He said," Hey little furniture! Why don't you come out of you're room and come with me and your brother for a ride?! " When I heard him say this I giggled at first, but while I was in the car I became enclosed in that word he compared me to. FURNITURE. It is lifeless and remains in one place once set. The idea of being furniture became more and more real to me. My life should be a little more than tucked away from the world and getting light only here and there. I wish I wouldn't have to feel so enclosed by strict rules and have a little more freedom. Does anybody else feel me?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One Day At a Time

I sat in math class completely bored and felt my brains were slowly being strained into mush. I though I had to find a way to think about something to prevent me from going insane. When I glanced around the room, I saw a quote by Jackson Brown Jr. It stated, "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today! " I read it over a couple of times for my brain to really soak it and, and then was inspired by this quote. It really did prove how important today is for your future and days to come. If you slack off for today, the result would only be a fall back to your day tomorrow. In order to keep growing, you must maintain a steady pace each day to reach your goal. This really applies to everything. Wether it is school work today that must be done, or cleaning the dishes to avoid a pile up the next day, take one day at a time and try your very best; because it determines the path for tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Twinie

 Many people asked common questions about my twin brother, Matthew, and what it is like to be a twin. Simple ones are, " So do you like having a twin? ," or " Do you guys have that... ya know.. freaky twin thing where you can sense the other one's pain and stuff? " ( That one is my favorite.) But when I think it comes down to it, the best one I have heard was " Do you think you would be different without him?" When I sat and thought a long time about this question, it brought tears to my eyes. My brother is my other half, my partner in crime ( as well as justice ) and I could not live without him. He is also one of the reasons why I am who I am today.  My mind wouldn't function the way it does, because he has taught me to be open minded and look at all of life's aspects in every which way. When he writes, it inspires me to try and reach his level, and when picks up his guitar and sings I can't help but jump to my feet and join him in harmony. Our inside jokes that have built up over the years are countless and we practically talk in our own "twinie" code. Sure, we bicker back and forth and get into verbal fights, but in the end when it comes down to it he will always have my back and stand there for me. I look up to him so much for the strength he has had overcoming obstacles in his life ( none of which I could have withstanded) and coming out of them even stronger. We've grown so close together and I couldn't see life any other way without him. I could go on and on about how wonderful, spectacular, and beautiful person my brother is, but I think enough is said when I know there would be no survival for me without him.
Love you Chur 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What do you think?

 This week when watching " It's a So Called Life " Rayann said something that really stuck out to me. When answering Angela's comment, she said something along the lines of , " People throwing themselves at one another is like, the base of civilization. " Even if she meant this in a sarcastic way, thought about what she could mean by comparing  it as the base of civilization. I think she meant that everywhere you go people are going to be pushing themselves on one another. What do you think?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are you Prepared?

 When my  spanish teacher passed our quizzes that I forgot to study for, I couldn't help but complain. I didn't study, and wasn't fully ready. Then my spanish teacher told me something anybody could have thought of, but it was so valuable to me at that point. He said,  "Life is a series of tests. Are you prepared for that?" The instant he said it my brain was imprinted with his simple little quote. At that moment, I realized I wasn't ready for one of life's tests, and it frightened me. It made me think if I am not ready for a test that is visual and I can see, what about the tests that aren't right in front of you and are in the emotional realm, and require great strength and even some wisdom to pass? As far as those kind of tests that come at a daily basis, I think the only way to pass these is to soak yourself in the knowledge of those elders around you that have already been through what you are going through. You learn from their mistakes and slowly day by day grow into the person you are destined to be. Are you prepared for that?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Both sides of the tree

Our question for today was whether or not we have something that is passed down through generations within our families. From both sides of my tree, I inherit phrases and lessons that I hold very close to what makes me the person I am. 
On my mother's side, one of the most important people in my life and woman that I owe everything to is my grandmother. For three generations now, she has drilled each of us with her study habits and idea that school always comes first. It is her that I have to thank for even being in this class, because without her I would never be at the level academically that I am now. Her love and patience continued to show throughout my mother's generation, mine, and  my brother's and sister's children's generation to come. Her determination to raise up ambitious children shines through all of our lives.
On my father's side, it is a sort of a completely different playing field. My grandparents always taught him as a kid to be an individual and to be a leader not a follower. I can not even attempt to count how many times I have heard my parents, especially my father, tell my brother and I to always be the leader and not the follower. Eve though I still stand for this, I do have my disagreements and when I have kids and it is my turn to pass it on, I will tweak it a bit. (I think being a leader is very important, but to even be a leader you  have to humble yourself  first and be a good follower.) As far as being individual, I try and apply this to anything and everything I do. To me, this is one of the most important elements that makes me who I am.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


  Today I noticed a little plaque in my house that I had neglected to pay attention to. It was titled " PERSEVERANCE ", and said under it " The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. " ( written by Moliere ) I thought what this quote could mean and why someone would chose every word they did.  The purpose of this author's message was to encourage people to fight strong in whatever they may be facing. 
   It really touched me and reminded me of my mother.  About six years back, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The situation was so lurid for my family, and made me aware that there was a chance I could lose this woman in my life that I depended on and loved so much. But when I look at this quote and think about how my mother fought through and battled that cancer, the great strength and faith she gained along the way was her glory. She persevered and never gave up, even at times when it was hard and she felt like it, and in the end was rewarded with a life to live for. It brings tears to my eyes witnessing how far my mother has come. If she can make it through something as tough as cancer, I always tell myself to NEVER give up.  Remind yourself as well to always push through because in the end it will be worth it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Beauty Comes From Within

 Today I recalled an an event that I will never forget that happen two years ago. Since I didn't wear any makeup, I felt sort of down.  But about a year ago I could not live without every bit of my face powdered with makeup and I had a very big insecurity that I could not get over. I thought beauty meant being the idea of society's "perfect " model half a pound of makeup on. Everyday was a struggle to wake up and do my makeup, but none the less I ALWAYS managed to get up and complete my mask. 
One day I was in the car with my mother and my little niece driving along to church choir practice. I was completely sick to my stomach that I didn't have makeup on and the people that see me the most would get to see the TRUE me. I couldn't help myself and was raging with disappointment and fear. Just as I turned my face to look out the window at something to get my mind off of the senario, my little niece gently brushed my cheek and directed my face towards her direction. She grabbed ahold of my hand and, clearing her throat, whispering," Mhhm Dani? Makeups don't matter at all. Beauty comes from the heart, 'cause thats what matters the most. " She smiled as I turned away to look out the window; this time because I didn't want her to see the tears running down my face. I couldn't believe such beautiful words came out of this little girl. That this little girl could posses such a great impact as to change anything that I had ever thought about myself. I wiped my face off to turn back and look at her, and gripped her hand a squeeze tighter. 
Since that day  I have always tried to base a theory that even without makeup I still am beautiful;because the truth and most honest of hearts is always from that of a pure innocent child's. so even on my down and out days, I will always remember that even if i am bare with no makeup at all, that doesn't matter. Deep down, the beauty comes from within. ~

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Help Please

I am sort of stumped as to what are tragic flaws within the character Antigone. The only one that I can think of is pride. Does anybody have any insight? 

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Spider and His Maze

As I sat outside on my grass due to the perfectly blowing breeze there was outside and the illness that had grown from cleaning all day, I pulled out my laptop and googled around. After about twenty minutes or so I saw a little speck crawling onto my keys. It was a black shiny spider and instead of instantly freaking out and shooing it off of my laptop,  I observed this lesson-to-be while leaving this tiny morsel alone. ( It wasn't everyday a spider would come out of nowhere, and I felt as though I should give this one a chance rather than squishing it. ) Quickly it worked it's way through the board, trying to find his way out with only the direction of the sides of the keys. ( They would appear as walls to it.) Like a maze the spider tried to find his way out by only following the guidance that was right in front of it. I finally gave a light blow, and the spider flew into the air, landing right back on the ground, but instead now in a different place than where he started.
 So many people in  life are just like the little spider I saw today. Lack of originality or  being true to yourself will end you up in a mess just as the spider. He was caught in one track, a one road direction. This happens with so many people when influenced by others. You put blinders on and look broad minded at life; leaving no room for questioning, or individuality. There are walls set that you can not make it over when you just fit into the crowd, and your mentality is no longer yours, but influenced but other people. To prevent this from happening, all it does is take that one person to push someone out of that maze, just as the spider was whooshed out with the blow. Instead of living life for just yourself, help other people that may be caught in that maze. I was just one of those people in my own type of maze, or obstacle in life, and it took someone so special to me to lift me up and dust me off once again. My eyes are open now, and I've learned so much from how someone else interprets my life. She helped me live life again, and I owe the world to her for the countless acts of love she has shown me. Be that individual that encourages others, and make a difference in people's lives.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Comes First

 A couple weeks back when watching  the movie  "The Great Debate," my history teacher pointed out a very important quote. A character in the movie would always tell his son : Do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do. I really thought over this quote and it's completely true. In every aspect in life, you have to get through what you would rather not do to get to the fun things you want to do.  This teaches not only discipline but also humbleness. It takes A LOT when you have to do a task that you don't want to do. But in the end, it will all be worth it when you get to do what you want. Even if you have to go through hell and back, I think you have to stick through with whatever is necessary to earn or deserve the right to even have what you want or do what you want. It also teaches responsibility because without going through with the things you need to, it won't teach you how life truly is. Life is all about getting through the struggles and strict times to get to the times that are what you would rather prefer.

Creon's connection with Parliament

It's so strange and interesting that during this year I've came across so many similarities with my subjects. While reading ," Antigone," I found a very significant quote that Creon had stated. He said " And I feel this: that a man is of no use to his city if he's to govern it by wisdom though by a tongue silenced by some fear. And if a man places anything above his city in friendship, that man I think is worthy of disdain.  Always did, always will. " My translation from this would be that his opinion of a good leader is a individual that stands for the right of the people and works for the good of the people. His country, state, provincial, or community should be first priority on the "important" list. The difference with Antigone is her family comes first before anything. ( The event of her brother's death and how she wants to serve him respect. ) But Creon's whole idea of the best for the country relates back to what I was studying in History just a few days ago. I took notes on government and the idea of Parliament in England as well as other countries completely fits in with his idea. From the 1300s-1600s, parliament gained much power because they had favor for the people and worked for the people. Creon's mentality is one of a Parliament group and I found it amazing how it all circled each other and connected. Somehow or another History and English always connect or works together. These two subjects always intertwine and it makes it a lot easier to understand both because soon everything easily connects and makes sense. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

True Friends

Today was such a spectacular day for me. Of  course not due to the fresh referral I gained as well as my brother, but because it was another day of understanding and beauty within life.  It all started when my chemistry teacher chose to address a situation from the previous day publicly and chose to do it in a harsh way. My temperature was rising as I grinded my teeth to keep from lashing out on her, but finally stood up for myself. I calming handled the situation, while she continued to snap at me and raise her decibels higher and higher until she was screaming at me.  I attempted to even raise my hand to speak but she would not accept anything I was trying to say. Finally she believed I had " disrespected her enough," and sent me out. Right then my brother stood up and requested he would be sent to. I looked around at my classmates and they looked disgusted; just completely drained of any ounce of respect that they once had for her. Meanwhile when I was in the office talking over my side of the story to administration, my class was fighting the battle for me. A couple people in particular, Katelyn, Annie, and Danielle, further argued out how they believed it was an unfair thing for the teacher to do. A debate was basically taking place after what the teacher had just started.. 32 against 1. After the bell rang I went back to see what had happened within the class. Sooner than I could walk a few steps they all shouted ," Danielle!" and attacked me with hugs. That moment will be one that I will never forget in my life. There was so much love and passion that people put out to defend me and stand in the gap between who truly was right and wrong. I felt so strong and  proud that I didn't let a referral come in the way of me attempting to get my voice across, and then others finishing where I left off.  The love is overflowing in my class and I gained a new sense of confidence of who is really there for me. The overwhelming strength our class as a whole today worked towards what truly is the just thing and where there was something wrong. Just as I did, they made sure their ideas and opinions were heard; which there is nothing wrong with that. I love my chemistry class!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Little Encouragement

When watching " My So Called Life," today, I realized a lot about myself  and just about others. Angela seems to just be a breathing person, and not even knowing who she truly is. I think in order to find who you are, everyone from some point or another tries different roles or molds in attempt to finding truth. The price you pay for individuality is so much more rather than just going along with what the crowds or what other people are doing. When seeing Angela, I pictured the commercial today that is sponsored by live above the influence. It is about a young man who lets people cloth and toy with his outward appearance to categorize him within a certain group or clique. At the end a whirlwind of people are jumbling around him until he finally holds out his hands  and puts an end to the chaos. The message is so powerful and relates back to a teens life. I realized today I do the far out things I do ( like experiment with haircuts and dyes or wearing something that is very different from people ) not for attention or to be noticed or to have a certain label, but for the simple fact that's its just me. When I die I want to be remembered as the young lady that grew up to be a woman that dared to be unique or went beyond whatever is considered "safe" in society both inside and out. On random my title just popped in my head a couple days ago, and I now see its significants. Dare to be... that perfect in every way person that you are meant to be and don't hold back. Life is too short to worry about what you need to be or think you need to be. Dare to be.. YOU.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Too young for that?

~"Where to start?!" is how I feel about this one special word. Love can be such a beautiful essence, but at the same time could bring great pain and suffering. When it comes down to it, there are so many different interpretations of what love, love really is, but I think you just have to experience it for yourself. My first true and sincere love was so unexpected and towards someone of complete opposite ways  as me. He's the shy type, keeps to himself, and rarely even used to talked to me. But once I got to know the true person he was, I really had a liking towards him. Many people will jump into love too soon and try to rush things, but I think it just grows in a sense. Like a plant it starts small, but over time and effort it just continues to grow and grow. Since the nine months that we've been talking, there has been so many tough times and obstacles we have had to get through. The dictionary  states that love is," an intense feeling of deep affection." I agree with it, but I also disagree. I think love goes beyond just a feeling or just a word. True love develops not by physical characteristics alone or feelings you experience, but from the hardships you overcome with that individual. You begin to accept any flaws or shortcomings, and look at their positive qualities. And to me it's not just something to say when you think you should because you're with someone, it comes from the heart. The little things cause love to grow day by day. It's not only because I love the cute dimple on the left side of his cheek or the tight embrace when we say good-bye, but the person he is on the inside and the man he is becoming. Many people argue that we are just too young to fall in love at this age or how our emotions get too caught up in our actions and how we think we feel, but once you've been through both positive and negative situations with an individual and continue to keep that relationship alive, I think that should show for something.~

Saturday, September 20, 2008


 Right before dozing off, I really questioned a thought that ran through my head. Is there really such thing as independent person or organism? If you think about it and even in plato's theory of society, everyone has a specific job and due to their own jobs, as a whole they function as one properly. So according to plato, if people rely on others abilities is anyone considered independent? And when they say that animals are independent, are they or do they depend on other organisms to get jobs done as well? Something to comment on... want to hear some insight or thoughts......

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Blog Entry

This weekend when visiting my grandmas house I came across a familiar word.  While I was watching t.v. a commercial for Red Lobsters was playing and as they described the prawns and crusted lobster sure enough they used the word "decadent". My grandma looked at me like I had gone mentally insane as I busted out laughing, but just handed me a paper as I asked her so I could write down what I had heard. I just thought it was so funny how Mr. Thompson had just mentioned the fact that we would hear our vocabulary words  throughout our daily lives, and sure enough one popped up. Its amazing how even though we just learned the words and they are only twenty out of the whole dictionary, one could come up so soon.