Friday, October 3, 2008

Beauty Comes From Within

 Today I recalled an an event that I will never forget that happen two years ago. Since I didn't wear any makeup, I felt sort of down.  But about a year ago I could not live without every bit of my face powdered with makeup and I had a very big insecurity that I could not get over. I thought beauty meant being the idea of society's "perfect " model half a pound of makeup on. Everyday was a struggle to wake up and do my makeup, but none the less I ALWAYS managed to get up and complete my mask. 
One day I was in the car with my mother and my little niece driving along to church choir practice. I was completely sick to my stomach that I didn't have makeup on and the people that see me the most would get to see the TRUE me. I couldn't help myself and was raging with disappointment and fear. Just as I turned my face to look out the window at something to get my mind off of the senario, my little niece gently brushed my cheek and directed my face towards her direction. She grabbed ahold of my hand and, clearing her throat, whispering," Mhhm Dani? Makeups don't matter at all. Beauty comes from the heart, 'cause thats what matters the most. " She smiled as I turned away to look out the window; this time because I didn't want her to see the tears running down my face. I couldn't believe such beautiful words came out of this little girl. That this little girl could posses such a great impact as to change anything that I had ever thought about myself. I wiped my face off to turn back and look at her, and gripped her hand a squeeze tighter. 
Since that day  I have always tried to base a theory that even without makeup I still am beautiful;because the truth and most honest of hearts is always from that of a pure innocent child's. so even on my down and out days, I will always remember that even if i am bare with no makeup at all, that doesn't matter. Deep down, the beauty comes from within. ~


I Was A Teenage Werewolf said...

I really do agree with your little niece...
My friends are like this every time..
Every time that a cute girl, with makeup red lipstick and everything you can imagine, passes by they go "WOW, She's hot ;]" And i just look at her and just imagining how much time and how much pounds of makeup she puts on.

But you are different Danielle, you are beautiful without the makeup or with the makeup.

Just remember that..
Nice blog. :]

Lorita said...

OH, I couldn't agree more!