Monday, January 26, 2009


It seems like its more pain to have a boyfriend then to not. Right now, I think I'm just too young to try and have a serious relationship. I do love my now ex, but I feel like we just always argue. He wants me then doesn't want me, thanks me for being a great girl then tells me I'm just too much. I'm tired of seeing my life sort of through someone else's perspective. I get trapped in what he tells me about myself, and lower my standard of what kind of person I really am. I hate how there is this certain tactic that some guys will use. Their nature is to hunt after prey, and us girls are basically prey.  I feel like the only way he thinks sometimes I'm guaranteed to stay with him is to make me believe that I am nothing. That no one else would want me. I refuse to believe that.


Lorita said...

Yes, exactly!! sometimes I feel like we really are the prey and boys are the predators looking for us. Just to use us and then when they are done, they throw you away. However, we girls deserve better than that. ; )

I Was A Teenage Werewolf said...

I for one perspective think that some guys think they can get with any girl they want, then when they get with the girl the girl is being all "I love you" and the guy responds as a little "yeah sure".

I never have done that to a girl or even got with her and broke up with her and do it all again and again. Or worse hurt her feelings and think of her in a bad way.

I disagree with Lorita, some guys are truthful, but some guys are just lame. I'm always truthful. I know girls deserve better than anything a guy goes through everyday. But still observe guys and see how the opposite sex is. :]