Saturday, January 24, 2009

I don't even know what to call this.

I didn't understand why I couldn't change my fate.I somehow had convinced myself that I wasn't myself anymore. Second after second.. second after second, I was losing more and more breath. I felt myself deteriorating, but my brain still in perfect condition, functioning. I was so angry, just so pissed I could do nothing but watch myself lose air. Second after second.. Even while the air escaped I didn't want it to, I didn't understand why it was happening. I watched myself take off my shoes, and my brother grab my arm, leading me to a glass of water. I looked at the cup, unable to drink it. The clash of the ice cubes against the inside of the glass cup sounded as if it was right in my ear. My mouth was so dry, and my throat felt like razors were cutting with every breath I took. I heard my heart pounding," Thump Thump! thump thump! thummmp..thummp... thummp thummp..," second by second it was slowing down.  Second after second.. I heard my brothers voice, muffling while I became weak. I dropped to my knees, baffled as my sister and brother. They were doing nothing to help me. I was losing air second.. after second, and just watching them watch me. They did nothing. Slowly I sunk lower and lower and my ribs and body crumbled... as if deflating the air out of my lungs. I fell to the floor hearing nothing but " Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words, killing me softly with his song.. killing me...," My heart went " thhhuummpp.....ttthhuuummpp....."  and I took my last painful breath. My soul was no longer in my body.   It had become nothing but my mind talking and  all black. 
The next moment I remember was waking up screaming. I was holding my sister, bawling at what I had saw. My death. Even if it was a dream, none of them have ever been as real as that one.  It really disturbed me..


Cindy said...

awwuh honey, i'm sorry you had such a horrible dream. i can't even try to imagine what a dream of my own death would be like/:
just dont let it get to you too much,
sometimes dreams are nothing but our hopes&&fears you know?

Lorita said...

Oh, Danielle I am so sorry you had such a frightening dream. I agree with Cindy, dreams are nothing but the fears and hopes that our heart aches for. You know, this reminds me of a time when I had a dream where I was staring at my own body and everybody was surrounding me. I didn't know where I was and didn't know what to do. Nobody could hear me and my vision blurred. I couldn't see anybody and could not hear anyone either. It's a nightmare but it only lasts a few minutes.

felipe. said...

danielle, i'm glad you came back from death.