Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where Did It Begin

Where did the creation of words even begin? Languages are beautiful. They are one thing that connects a certain group or region of people; that holds the community together. But where did it start? I try and think about how it all began.. I mean was it just with clicks back in the cavemen day, or Uh's... or was it actual words? The vibration in that voice box is a gift. I love the ability to speak and communicate with one another. If we ourselves all only knew our own language, the world would be full of tears.  There would be no true way to get a point across, or for you to read what I'm writing now. But we have something in common. A language. A dialect. That of which I am very thankful for. It's amazing how in other countries our language is gibberish, but to us it makes complete sense and vis versa. But it's even more amazing to me that the brain is able to obtain not only one, but multiple different languages. The amount of languages and dialects continues on and on, and many are still being explored and created, but  no matter how many, they are part of the substances that hold all of us together.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yes, languages are just beautiful. I love listening to the various conversations that people have and just concentrate on the pronunciations. It's very interesting how each language originated from one another.