Monday, March 23, 2009

Mom the Poet?

I made fun of my mom all day for trying to be poetic or philosophical or whatever her goal was, but in the end I still gained a message out if it. We were driving in the car and we passed by a gnarled plant. The roots and the bark of the plant looked completely parched, and seemed to be unable to produce anything. But attached to the branch were beautiful, draping flowers opening up to the sun's warmth and drooping downward. She said," Dani, look at that plant right there. It's a sign... hmm... I think the meaning behind it is that no matter how ugly something may be, you can still find some kind of beauty produced by it." I started cracking up and teasing her, but then when I thought about it, she was completely right. Even if a person is the crabbiest, grumpiest person, there still is  some kind of kindness waiting to be shared. Every kind of person has the potential of producing good character, generosity, selflessness, and other qualities, even if they have an ugly heart. With a little care and watering, maybe those people too, may blossom some beauty.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Oh, moms can sometimes be so poetic. Every time my mother and I are sitting in the car, she stares out in to the sky and points out some weird findings. I just pretend that her words mean nothing to me. However, when I think about it, her words actually make sense. It's pretty interesting.