Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Store!

I was so excited today! FINALLY the shop that I had been waiting to be open was open today! It was this messy little ethiopian shop that was full of colorful treasures. The clothing were beautiful and were all hand made. It smelt of something like curry and was refreshing to take in. While I looked around, my eyes directly went straight to a white dress with a green,yellow,and red trim that hung along the wall. I knew that would be my purchase, but I also had my eye on a pancho type shirt. It has foreign lettering on it, and the number 2000. I asked the man what the number symbolized, and he told me that it was actually a shirt made for the year 2000, but Ethiopia's 2000. He explained that in Ethiopia, all of their months are thirty days long no matter what, and that there is a seven year difference from over here to over here. I found it interesting and crazy because I thought the whole world was the same with years. Yuck, I guess I was having a typical american moment where everything is done this way are no way.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Wow, that's quite interesting!! In fact for the Assyrian New Year we are just approaching our 5000th year. Every culture has a special year and in Ethiopia, it's 2000.