Friday, December 5, 2008

Not So Sweet Sixteen

So my birthday is tomorrow and honestly, I think this is going to be one of my worst. Today was just hard enough with all of my work for finals, but tomorrow seems to be even more stressful. Turning sixteen doesn't seem all that great as it seems, and I am really disappointed. I wanted to spend my birthday with my brother, but instead he has to attend a meeting and I have practice for choir. I feel really depressed thinking about how my birthday will be. Out of all of the days that is the one that is suppose to be special for my brother and I, and it doesn't really seem special at all to me. :(


Bridget said...

Aww..Danielle, I'm Sorry. Oh, And Happy Belated Birthday! But, I Think They Make People Believe Your 16th Birthday Is Supposed To Be Memorable and Spectacular, But Really, It's No Different From All The Other Ages You Have And Will Turn. Just Think Of All The Other Years You Will Be Turning In The Future! You May Just Have A Fabulous 65th Birthday, And You Can Call It You're Super Sweet 65th. (''

Lorita said...

Actually, I didn't have much of a good sweet sixteen either. We were supposed to throw a party but my family went out of town and family problems arose. Well, Happy Belated Birthday. I am so sorry about what happened on your birthday.
And Bridget, it's scary thinking about my 65th birthday. Wow!!!