Monday, February 2, 2009

Community Service :/

While my brother and other students rack up their community service hours, I sit here lazy and let the time fly by. WHY?? I have NO IDEA! I realized this week that I have to start researching and find ways to earn my hours. It's amazing that all we have is two years left. Two years and we're done with high school, and within those two years ( and the rest of this semester ) I have to earn my hours. I looked online today and found a place downtown that you volunteer to work with kittens. I really hope they will respond because I LOVE animals. I actually thought about becoming a zoo keeper when thinking about what I want to do for my occupation. I also saw another community service opportunity involving painting a couple props for a play. This is another one of my interests because I LOVE to draw. It would be a great way to earn hours and have fun at the same time. I hope they respond because I have get 'em soon! 

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yeah, there are lots of community service opportunities around San Jose. In fact, I was looking forward to working at an animal shelter and have been so desperately. I love working with animals as well!!!