Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simply A Coward

My pops told me about a rich man that he  knew of who flew all the way to Africa for his interior for his million dollar show race car. The price money wise was a total of 500,00 dollars, but soul wise was priceless. This man was not retrieving and old upolstery; he flew to shoot and bring back two elephant skin's and their tusks.( ivory) It isn't fair that a fat inconsiderate man can ENJOY his fancy race car while two innocent elephant's skins cushion him and his caviar liquor-sipping friends  unworthy rumps. It makes me sick. Completely sick to my stomach. Those kind of people make me hate the rich. I don't hate people, because it is a strong word, but I HATE rich. He simply did this not to increase the speed or his chance of winning the race, for this had NOTHING to do with that. It had to do with his arrogance and show boating what e could get with his millions. There is no sense of fairness in this man. The only way that I could see this would be fair is if it was a one on one battle. Man against Elephant. But instead like the weakling, as well as every other endangered species hunter, he holds a gun from a distance and brings down these strong, beautiful animals for no other reason but to embellish his car.  To me he is nothing but a COWARD. I feel like writing a complaint about this man to some kind of group against hunting for furs or skins or an endangered species group because he should be punished. It is people like this who make the chances more and more slim of there being any hopes for endangered animals in the future.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yes, I agree completely. I mean there are starving people all around the world and this "rich" man is using poor elephants for his own purpose. He is a coward for being so ignorant and self-centered. My mother always says, "they will pay for all their misfortune during Judgement Day."