Sunday, February 15, 2009

What if we all....

were built like cats? I was cleaning my room and my cat jumped on my bed, curling up into a little ball to take a nap. It amazes me how simple it is for them to reach their legs behind their ears to tackle an itchy spot. And the way they walk on all fours is kind of interesting too. I always try and wonder what if we were made to walk on all fours. Holding a pencil wouldn't be so easy anymore to write and dressing might not be that simple either. On the positive, we would have impeccable balance. We would also be extremely flexible. It's just crazy imagining how different our lives would be if we were able to walk on all fours. The countless possibilities we could reach with all four that we never could with just two, but also lose some of our most favorite everyday actions that are valued.


matthew travers said...

aye whatchu smokin

felipe. said...

if we were built like cats, i'd like to be built like chewy :B

Lorita said...

I find cats quite interesting. What if we were built like cat? Good question. I am going to think about that for a while now...